Our partners and teams

British Geological Survey

British Geological Survey

Founded in 1835, the British Geological Survey, part of UKRI through the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), is a world–leading geological survey focusing on public–good science for government, and research to understand earth and environmental processes. As a not–for–profit public sector research establishment, we provide expert research services and impartial advice in all area of geoscience to both public and private sectors in the UK and internationally. BGS have approximately £50 million annually in resource funding with about 650 staff. BGS is the lead partner on the CEPHaS project.

University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences

With campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia, the University of Nottingham is a global institution, providing innovative and engaging education and producing world-leading research. Last year, it had a turnover of more than £590 million with 8,000 staff, 32,800 undergraduates and 9,500 postgraduates. At its main Nottingham campuses, 23% of students are from overseas, as are a third of academic staff. The University of Nottingham conducts wide-reaching, world-class research across and between disciplines at all three of its locations.

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Centre for Capacity Research

The Centre for Capacity Research at LSTM specialises in the science of research capacity strengthening – a process of individual and institutional development leading to higher levels of skills and greater ability to perform useful research. This is particularly important in Low and Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC), as a lack of research infrastructure and facilities to utilise research findings, are major bottlenecks in achieving the benefits of research for development. The Centre for Capacity Research is generating robust evidence to guide the design of organisational capacity strengthening programmes and measure effectiveness and have developed rapid assessment tools to identify the strengths and needs of research programmes and institutions.

University of Zimbabwe

University of Zimbabwe, Department of Soil Science

Opened in 1952, the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), is the oldest and best ranked university in Zimbabwe. The university has nine faculties and one college (with faculties of Agriculture, Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Law, Science, Social Studies, Veterinary Sciences and the College of Health Sciences) offering a wide variety of degree programmes and many specialist research centres and institutes. The University has approximately 20,000 students. The Department of Soil Science within the Faculty of Agriculture are CEPHaS partners.

Rothamsted Research

Rothamsted Research

Rothamsted Research is a world-leading, non-profit research centre that focuses on strategic agricultural science to the benefit of farmers and society worldwide. It is the oldest continually operating agricultural research station in the world, founded in 1843. Rothamsted collaborate in multiple countries, but focus institutional effort in those regions where there is highest potential to co-develop and deliver excellent science with the greatest potential for impact.

University of Zambia

University of Zambia, School of Agricultural Sciences

Established in 1965, UNZA is Zambia's oldest and largest learning institution located in Lusaka. In 1971, the School of Agriculture was formed as a separate entity and today covers a range of specialisms including Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension, Animal Sciences, Food Science and Nutrition, Plant Sciences and Human Nutrition. The University Farm, commonly referred to as Liempe Farm, serves as a production, teaching and research facility for the School. UNZAs mission is to provide relevant, innovative and demand-driven higher education for socio-economic development.

Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources

Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) was formed in 2011 by a merger between Bunda College of Agriculture of the University of Malawi and Natural Resources College (NRC). Based outside Lilongwe at Bunda, LUANAR has four faculties: the Faculty of Agriculture (founded in 1967), the Faculty of Natural Resources (2001), the Faculty of Development Studies (2004), and the Faculty of Food and Human Sciences (2013). It is the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences within the Faculty of Agriculture that are partners in CEPHaS.

Zambia Agriculture Research Institute

Zambia Agriculture Research Institute

The Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) is the largest Agricultural research entity in the Zambia. It has 10 research stations with Mt. Makulu Central Research Station being the institutes’ Headquarters. The Institute’s overall objectives are to develop and adapt crop, soil and plant protection technologies and to provide a high quality, appropriate and cost–effective service to farmers. The activities are carried out in all the three agro–ecological regions which are: Region I which receives up to 800 mm of rainfall; Region II receives between 800–1000 mm of rainfall and Region III receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall.

Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre

Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre

Established in 1974, the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) is one of the Social Apostolates of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) situated 30 km north-east of Lusaka. Governed by a Board of Trustees, with 25 professional staff and 50 support staff, KATC has expertise in soil science, agronomy, agro forestry, agricultural economics, nutrition, extension, organic inspection and certification, financial management, plant, machinery and equipment and farm management. KATC is involved with training, extension, research, production and lobbying and advocacy (awareness, education and communication). KATC aims to empower rural communities to improve their livelihoods and facilitate holistic and democratic rural development through training, extension, research, market development, lobbying and advocacy and appropriate sustainable organic agriculture technologies and practices.

Department of Agricultural Research Services

Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS)

The Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) is a technical Department in the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, mandated to conduct research and generate technologies for increased and improved agricultural productivity in Malawi. DARS also provides regulatory, technology dissemination and specialist services on all crops and livestock, except tobacco, tea and sugarcane. The Department has three Agricultural Research Stations of which Chitedze Research Station is one, specialising in field crops.

UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund

CEPHaS is funded by Research Councils UK through its Global Challenges Research Fund programme.

British Geological Survey Rothamsted Research Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine University of Nottingham The University of Zambia Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Zimbabwe Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre Zambia Agriculture Research Institute Department of Agricultural Research Services